Sunday, July 29, 2007

Stranded on an island - not Gilligan's!

This weekend we went to Whidbey Island for a Women's Retreat (planning)

There is beauty in all things - natural and man-made

The View from our deck

They FREED WILLY (this picture was actually taken on our way home at the Tulalip Casino)

A picture of the Natives.... (again from Tulalip)

Okay - the REAL NATIVE!

We went into town and got to see some of the unique things that have been created from history of ancestors and passed on talents

Puts a new spin on "IN THE BELLY OF A WHALE" - this is Rosie

We had to start heading home....

Just a picture from Becky's history

Once we are over the River we will be in our old HOME TOWN!

Where did the Tulip smoke stack go?????

Almost HOME!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A visit from old friends, a new friend, and pictures of others from Vacation!

I got the chance to meet Rikki, Mindy and Hailey over the weekend (they reside in Arizona - well at least 2/3 of them do!) We met for dinner on Sunday! Little Miss Hailey was making her Washington "tour" visiting familiar faces and getting to meet new ones! She is such a smiley baby!

Onto other news.... I have a NEW friend! Her name is Abbey and she lives in Arizona! You can check out her blog at:

Oh! And my friends Miley and Lola (they are roommates!) Sent me pictures from their trip to Montana and to the zoo! Here are my favorites:

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Camping Trip

We went CAMPING!

Our group had about 90 campers and it was a lot of fun! This is one of my favotire places to go because of the lake!

Have to be careful because if you swim over here... you may become FISH FOOD!

Would you stop bugging me.....

I love the campfire - that means SMORE's!

and campsongs!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Before the Holiday and MORE

D,D & J came home from vacation on June 30! We met them for dinner at Becky's favorite restaurant! Here's a picture of our favorite waiter!

These are pictures from the 4th of July - we went up to Becky's grandparents house. One of their family's favorite games is Croquet

We had to make a trip out to the barn

so that I could ride on the tractor! Do you think my tractor's sexy?

We are going camping this weekend so look for more pictures to come!